What We Believe

What we believe about God
We believe there is a God who sustains and rules over this world he created. He exists in the form of one God in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The word "Trinity" is used to describe God's being. Because God is good, his actions are not capricious or vindictive towards his creation, but are always designed to bring about only what is best for his people to enable thriving and flourishing. In his rule, he is concerned with both mercy and justice.

What we believe about Jesus
We believe that Jesus, the second person of the Trinity, is both fully God and fully man. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit; his mother was a virgin chosen by God to give birth to this baby who would become the Savior. Jesus lived a sinless life and yet died a criminal's death on the cross. He was buried, but three days after his death, he physically rose from the dead, completing a plan God instituted before the first man was created. His life and his death are now substituted for those who place their faith in what he has done. Jesus ascended to Heaven and now rules from there, making all things new, anticipating the day when he will make a triumphal return to this earth.

What we believe about the Bible
We believe that the Bible is a faithful and true guide to what we are to believe and how we are to live our lives. We believe that this book is unlike any other. Everything we need to know about God and how to have a relationship with him and his people is contained within its pages. Through them, God changes us, healing our brokenness and restoring our beauty.

What we believe about becoming a Christian
We believe that every person who has ever lived on this earth, except Jesus, is deeply flawed. Our brokenness separates us from God's perfection, so we are incapable of reaching him on our own. Jesus is our way of reaching God. When God begins to work in our lives, he makes us aware of our need for a Savior, and he lovingly draws us and adopts us into his family. Our sinfulness does not count against us and our goodness does not count for us. Jesus' life of perfect obedience is credited to all who repent and believe.

What we believe about the Church
The Christian faith is not something that can be lived out alone. God has called his people down through the ages to live in community - the church. We face our struggles together and we taste the life of heaven together. And together we recognize the glory of the church's redeemer king, Christ the Lord!

What we believe about the world
We believe that when Jesus rose from the dead, he established his kingdom on earth. This kingdom is presently a partial reality of the kingdom that will be established when he comes again. As his followers, we are called to honor his rule by working to bring healing and beauty into this world. We are to seek justice for the oppressed, extend mercy to the hurting, take the message of the gospel wherever we go, and share what we have with others.

What we believe about other churches and ministries 
We joyfully affirm our unity with all committed followers of Jesus Christ. King's Cross Church prays for, supports and joins with others to bring God's goodness and healing to the whole community of Cypress and the surrounding area.